mary wallace


Mary (she/her) is a Retail & Consumer Behaviour Subject Matter Expert (SME) at IBM, helping all kinds of businesses to grow by asking awkward questions such as:

  •   Why does your brand exist?

  •   Who does your business serve?

  •   How do you do that?

  •   Why are you distinct from your competition?

  •   How do you get a customer to say ‘yes’, and then do it again?

Mary’s work centres on the convergence of retail strategy, technology, emerging consumer behaviour and societal changes. She understands the business and consumer value chain, and the disruptive trends affecting all parts of that whole business and consumer ecosystem.  Her current focus areas include spatial computing & next generation internet, intelligent products and new forms of loyalty & membership.

session description

Mary will be speaking in Wednesday’s Getting Grounded session on consumers, intelligent products and AI - remembering yesterday; serving today; shaping tomorrow


Matt Candy


Hakim Abdi