Györgyi Gálik

Dark Matter Labs

Györgyi Gálik (she/her) is a Copenhagen-based socio-ecological systems designer, design strategist and environmental advocate. She is the City Transitions Co-Lead at Dark Matter Labs. Previously she worked as the Head of Strategic Partnerships at the UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose and as a Lead Advisor and the interim Head of Social Innovation at Design Council. She also did a PhD in Innovation Design Engineering, School of Design at the Royal College of Art in London (focusing on design and climate change). 

Györgyi has seventeen years of experience in policy, service, and innovation design, having worked in the public, private, and third sectors. Her specialisation spans design, behavioural and environmental sciences, with a strong understanding of the built and natural environment. She has designed, led and managed a variety of projects – working in organisations ranging from small startups and individual communities to large corporations, and local and national governments.

session description

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Emily Best and Sara M Watson


Laura Feinstein